Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bridget Jones' Diary meets Offspring

I have finally managed to find my way around my blog page and test out all the different settings and I am feeling a lot more comfortable with it now.

I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts via my blog – I am sure there will be some ranting, but I will try and keep that to a minimum.  I am hoping that my blog will act as many blogs do for other bloggers as a cathartic way to express my thoughts like an online diary with the key left in the diary's padlock for anyone to come and see.

I recently watched Bridget Jones’ Diary – one of my all time favourite movies and it got me thinking  how a diary is such a great way of working through your thoughts and problems – I am just not sure that my thoughts or problems are as humorous or dramatic as Bridget Jones’ – or maybe they are.  My husband recently watched an episode of Offspring with me – another show that I love and am disappointed it is in season hiatus at the moment.  For those who have watched it you will understand the “self talking” episodes that the character Nina experiences.  My Husband asked me if I experience episodes like that – and I had to admit I do – I assured him that mine weren’t anywhere near as dramatic as hers – but I do run a lot of things around in my head (probably way too much).

Recently while cleaning my teeth and watching my daughter play with my phone I went through a scenario discussing with myself or questioning if I should have the phone pin locked or not – my very complex discussion with myself – showed me putting my daughter into her carseat and then somehow falling and hitting my head and her escaping from her car seat.  Luckily my scenario showed some kind neighbours coming to my rescue and finding my phone to call my husband, only to be confronted by my pin lock.  I then decided not to use the pin lock anymore.

I am also hoping that my blogging will teach me to touch type again – I used to be very efficient however, after having a year off work and only swiping on my Iphone or using the virtual keypad to update my Facebook status – I have lost my typing edge.  I blame losing my “edge” on so many scenarios on sleep deprivation.  I have been suffering from sleep deprivation for a year now.  I know it is a curable issue – get more sleep – but like many mothers – there is just not enough time in the day to nap and there are little Princes or Princesses all over the world that are stopping us from having a full night’s sleep.  Broken sleep is such a horrible experience that is now becoming the norm for me, and it is not the caffeine that gets me through the day it is the smiling face of my little Princess who is doubling as a very unpredictable alarm clock that only seems to give the option of ringing anytime between 4am and 5am – with the occasional 1am call out just to check we haven’t left her to go live on a tropical island without her.

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